Earth is young, but not flat

The ad for the book, Falling Flat, A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims, by Danny Faulkner, says somewhat breathlessly,
There are people in the world today who believe the world is flat. And they are working very hard to convince everyone else that it’s flat – even if it means distorting the truth to do it. Read this book and get the facts regarding the flat earth fallacy.
I have not read the book, but I have read the article, “Reflections on the flat-earth movement,” by the same author, and I can tell you with a fair degree of certainty, just replace “flat” with “young” wherever you see it, and you will get a pretty good refutation of the young-earth movement. If you do not believe me, try it with the quotation:
There are people in the world today who believe the world isflatyoung. And they are working very hard to convince everyone else that it’sflatyoung – even if it means distorting the truth to do it. Read this book and get the facts regarding theflatyoung earth fallacy.
If you have $15 to burn, you may preorder the book here, but frankly I would rather you gave your money to the National Center for Science Education.