Genomics is expanding at ASU
We are looking to expand our genomics faculty by hiring a comparative genomicist. I’ve been at ASU for a couple years and everything about it has impressed me. The facilities and faculty are world class. The administration is very supportive. The faculty are very collaborative. The teaching loads are reasonable. Finding amazing undergraduates is trivial. Etc. Anyway, if you are on the job market in genomics/bioinformatics/evolutionary medicine you should apply.

Copy of Job Ad:
Assistant Professor (JOB# 10593)
Arizona State University
School of Life Sciences
The School of Life Sciences and The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor whose research focuses on comparison of biological systems at the genome scale. Anticipated start date is August 16, 2014. Preferred research methods may include but are not limited to theoretical, computational, populational, and empirical approaches to comparative and functional genomics. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an innovative, extramurally-funded, research program, teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and have a commitment to outreach and service. The successful candidate will be expected to mentor undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows. A competitive start-up package and teaching load compatible with high research productivity will be provided.
Arizona State University has made a commitment to accelerating the translation of basic discoveries into practical benefits for society through the construction of state-of-the-art research facilities and the recruitment of world-class faculty members. The successful candidate will participate in university-wide health and/or sustainability initiatives supported by core facilities for functional genomics and next generation sequencing, functional proteomics, high throughput cellular screening, bioinformatics, high performance computing, and imaging. More information on genomic research opportunities at the Biodesign Institute and the School of Life Sciences at ASU can be found at
Candidates must have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in an appropriate field. Demonstrated teaching and research excellence is preferred.
To apply, send cover letter, your curriculum vitae, three representative publications, separate statements of future research plans and teaching philosophy and interests, and contact information for three references to be sent to Kenro Kusumi, Chair, Comparative Genomics Faculty Search Committee, School of Life Sciences, PO Box 874501, Tempe, AZ 85287-4501. Electronic applications sent as PDF files to are preferred. The initial closing date for receipt of applications is November 25, 2013; applications will be reviewed every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed. A background check is required for employment. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For additional information on this position and the School of Life Sciences, please visit