Pioneer Press: Biology prof expelled from screening of 'Expelled'
By Chris Hewitt from Pioneer Press has an article titled Biology prof expelled from screening of ‘Expelled’ in which he describes the events.
Myers was in the Twin Cities this week for the American Atheists Conference 2008 in Minneapolis and, coincidentally, he learned there was to be a free screening of “Expelled” at the Mall of America Thursday night. So he registered to attend with his wife, Mary, along with what Myers called “a whole parade of atheists,” including internationally famous science writer, Richard Dawkins, whose books include “The God Delusion.”
They all got in, but Myers did not.
PZ Myers had a good laugh
“It shows off the hypocrisy of these people, as well as their outright incompetence,” said Myers, who reports that his blog — — had an all-time high-traffic day Friday. “I could not imagine a better result for this. They’ve shown themselves to be completely dishonest and that they’re trying to hide the truth about their movie, which is to my advantage. And they’ve shown themselves to be such flaming idiots.”
And the final irony
In the meantime, Myers is entertained by this irony: “Expelled’s” closing credits include a thank-you to him. So he knows the filmmakers are grateful for the couple of hours he gave them last year. Just not grateful enough to let him see their movie.