Today's Bob Jones "Biology for Christian Schools" Howlers

I've been continuing to put some time into criticizing [Michael Behe's expert report]( on the creationist texts involved in the California Creationism Case. This is a slow process, partly because I'm also working on other projects and partly because it's difficult to read the Bob Jones ["Biology for Christian Schools](" text without encountering a range of unpleasant side effects. I've been fighting the increased blood pressure and the nausea, and soldiering on. Along the way, I've encountered some real gems that I thought I'd share with you.

Today, I'm going to give you two quotes: one on Darwin, and one on sexually transmitted diseases. The two are connected only by the surreal nature of what's being said. As you read them, please remember that this is material that's being taught to high school students, and that the folks who are teaching this stuff are suing the University of California, because for some strange reason UC doesn't think that people who have been taught this stuff have adequately completed an actual college preparatory class in biology. All quotes are taken from the most recent (3rd) edition of the text. I'm transcribing by hand, so unless indicated otherwise, all typos are mine.

Read more (at The Questionable Authority, where comments can be left):