News Roundup
Here is a list of recent editorials, opinions, and letters about evolution. You can always send news stories to
- CA: Faith vs. evidence
- WA: Some stories count more than others
- PA: Bush endorsement of ID no surprise
- GA: U.S. sacrifices science on the altar of religion
- UK: City schools could be front for evangelists
- FL: Survival of the fittest? Darwin meets Intelligent Design
- CA: Creationism isn’t science
- UT: Evolution lacks fossil link
- US: ‘Intelligent design’ smacks of creationism by another name
- IL: Bush words on Creation not exactly stunning
- AU: ‘Intelligent design’ an option: Nelson
- UT: Devolving Arguments
- NH: You’re being narrow about creationism
- MS: Stealth creationism will cripple science