Files in this folder

This directory contains the text and figure for a paper 

Felsenstein, J.  1996.  Inferring phylogenies from protein sequences by
  parsimony, distance, and likelihood methods. pp. 418-427 in "Computer Methods
  for Macromolecular Sequence Analysis," ed. R. F. Doolittle.  Methods in
  Enzymology, vol. 266.  Academic Press, Orlando, Florida.

The files available are:

   README            This file
   proteins.tex      LaTeX source file for the manuscript       Postscript output of the text and figure

   fig1.idraw        Postscript (Idraw) file of Figure 1.

   proteins.pdf      PDF of the text and figure

Please note carefully that these papers, as published in the journals, are copyright to the publishers of those journals.