Files in this folder

This directory contains the paper:

    Felsenstein, J.   1992.   Estimating effective population size from
       population samples of sequences: a bootstrap Monte Carlo approach.
       Genetical Research  59: 139-147 (December issue).

    [note -- the method proposed in this paper is wrong.  It has been shown to
        give a biased estimate of theta.  The paper by Felsenstein, 
        Yamato, and Kuhner corrects this.  That paper 
        is available here in directory
        and the program to implement it is 
        the LAMARC package.   ]

The files in this directory are: monte.tex The manuscript as a LaTeX input file The manuscript in Postscript monte.pdf The manuscript as a PDF table1.doc Table 1 in Microsoft Word format table2.doc Table 2 in Microsoft Word format fig1.idraw Figure 1 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig2.idraw Figure 2 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig3.idraw Figure 3 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig4.idraw Figure 4 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig6.idraw Figure 6 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig8.idraw Figure 8 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program fig10.idraw Figure 10 as Postscript from the "idraw" drawing program The other figures were produced on MacDraw and are not posted here. PLEASE NOTE -- The method proposed in this paper has since been shown to be incorrect. In 1995 (Kuhner, Yamato Felsenstein) we explained why and proposed an alternative Hastings/Metropolis method that gives correct results. It is of the same general form as the one proposed here but has some important changes to eliminate the problem of the likelihood curve having infinite area under it, which was the source of the problem. J.F.

Please note carefully that these papers, as published in the journals, are copyright to the publishers of those journals.