Files in this folder

In this directory is the paper:

 Felsenstein, J.  2000.  From population genetics to evolutionary genetics:
   a view through the trees.  pp. 609-627 in "Evolutionary Genetics: From
   Molecules to Morphology", ed. R. S. Singh and C. B. Krimbas.
   Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

In the form of these files:

      evolgen.tex                 LaTeX source for the paper
      evolgen.pdf                 PDF of the text of the paper (not figures)                  Postscript of the paper

      fig1.idraw                  Figure 1, in Postscript
      fig2.idraw                  Figure 2, in Postscript
      fig3.idraw                  Figure 3, in Postscript
      fig4.idraw                  Figure 4, in Postscript
      fig5.idraw                  Figure 5, in Postscript

Please note carefully that these papers, as published in the journals, are copyright to the publishers of those journals.